Hawaii’s climate-change lawsuit going to trial next summer


Cable News Network. (2023, August 20). Hawaii’s climate-change lawsuit going to trial next summer. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/08/20/exp-hawaii-climate-environment-trial-intv-moriwake-082005aseg1-cnni-us.cnn 

This article talks about Hawaiian children suing the state for projects that escalate fossil fuel use. They are claiming their constitutional right to a clean, healthy environment is not being met. A similar thing just happened in Montana which was ruled in favor of the climate. This is the first time these loss suits are winning in their favor. This is also the first indigenous youth led trial. The children are taking their government to court which is specifically transportation. They want to introduce clean energy transportation instead of just fossil fuel driven cars. For example clean electric energy, bikes, and other clean transportation. Hawaii has been a leader in a lot of respects for clean energy, and is the first state to commit to decarbonizing their state by 2045. They are lacking in transportation, and greenhouse gas pollution from transportation is going up steadily rather than down. The Montana right being won gives them hope that they will have a good fight that is a plausible win. 

This article is very honorary because these are children that are fighting for our climate. Children are the future so this is good that the next generation has started to put up a fight in two instances across the country. I think the kids are looking in the right direction because even though their state is already making changes to try to reduce the climate effect, they want to take it a step further and take out the government for not trying to create clean energy cars because the fossil fuels are being burned quite a lot with cars. While other aspects of contributors to climate change are going down, the fossil fuels being burnt from cars are on an increase. I also think it’s quite honorable that the state has a law to healful clean environment being a right because they are already recognizing the environment in many ways. To take it a step further and have a win where cleaner cars and transportation would be created would be a great step.

One thought on “Hawaii’s climate-change lawsuit going to trial next summer

  1. I find it commendable that children are taking action to fight for a clean and healthy environment, especially in regards to transitioning to clean energy transportation. What are some potential challenges or barriers that may arise in implementing widespread clean transportation solutions?

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