Impact of environmental conditions on the ocular surface

FOS Lifestyle Report: Impact of environmental conditions on the ocular surface. (2023, April 14). TFOS Lifestyle Report: Impact of Environmental Conditions on the Ocular Surface – ScienceDirect.

In-Text Citation: (TFOS Lifestyle Report: Impact of Environmental Conditions on the Ocular Surface, 2023)


     The study investigated how environmental elements influence human vision. They looked for relationships based on age, gender, race, and region. Climate components such as temperature and humidity, contaminants in the air outside and within, and even exposure to sunshine are among these factors. These can lead to dry eyes, discomfort, and disease. The study discovered that air and soil pollution is connected to dry eye illness, but not all types of pollution. More research is needed to be specific, considering other variables and following changes over time. In the future, the study proposes segregating outcomes for different eye diseases.


     The article is connected to environmental science since it investigates how numerous environmental elements, such as climate and pollution both outside and within, affect the health of the ocular surface. It digs into the links between various environmental risk factors and eye disorders, emphasizing the complex interplay between human health and the environment. As I read the piece, I became concerned about how the environment might affect our health. There is a lack of knowledge regarding these factors. Everyone must understand these various possibilities so that we can take the appropriate steps to ensure our safety and well-being. This study also underlines the need to maintain a clean environment, as it protects our health.

One thought on “Impact of environmental conditions on the ocular surface

  1. This is very eye-opening into health aspects that climate change could harm that aren’t as well known, everybody knows how air pollution can harm our lungs and respiration, and thus our health, but I never considered how it could harm our eyes as well. It’ll be interesting to see how our generation’s eyesight and overall health will be as we get older and live in polluted conditions. Did the article say anything about the amount of time that it takes for this to happen, or were they not sure exactly?

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