Ocean Acidification 2

Doney, S. (2023, June 1). Ocean solutions to a more sustainable world. The White House. Retrieved August 16, 2023, from https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2023/06/01/ocean-solutions-to-a-more-sustainable-world/

During this year’s Nation Ocean Month, the US is reaffirming the importance of the ocean. Therefore a new U.S Ocean Climate Action Plan is being released to protect ocean health and address the climate crisis, the plan also involves engaging tribal nations to help build off Indigenous knowledge. One of the main goals is to reduce greenhouse gases that are responsible for ocean acidification. In a further attempt to counteract this a U.S Ocean Acidification Action Plan is also being implemented. 

Scott Doney explains the steps the U.S. is taking to combat Ocean acidification and sea level rise, the article provides a reassuring future for the ocean if the various plans mentioned turn out to be effective. The article relates heavily to environmental science since it talks about the climatic changes in the Ocean. A part of the article that intrigued me was the implementation of Indigenous knowledge to find better ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It seems like a different approach than a government may usually take to combat a modern problem such as climate change. Seeing the different approaches the U.S. is taking gives hope that these issues can be solved.

2 thoughts on “Ocean Acidification 2

  1. It makes me happy that there is more focus on the ocean with this new plan. I think that sometimes it can be overlooked with everything else going on, but life under the sea is so vital and dependent on each other. I know that the ocean is the largest carbon sink, so how are these committees and plans planning on blocking some of the carbon?

  2. I appreciate you checking out my post. It is indeed important to keep in mind the importance of our ocean despite everything else going on these days. I too wonder how they are planning to offload the excess carbon.

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