Emerging Europe backs nuclear power to solve energy needs.

Adopt-a-Topic: #3: Emerging Europe backs nuclear power to solve energy needs. bne IntelliNews. (2023, January 6). https://www.intellinews.com/emerging-europe-backs-nuclear-power-to-solve-energy-needs-266106/ 

The article “Emerging Europe backs nuclear power to solve energy needs” explores how the region of emerging Europe is beginning to support nuclear power as a way to meet its energy needs. Along with nations in Central Europe like Poland and the Baltic States, it features Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. The growing need for energy, the move to greener sources, and the potential contribution of nuclear power to achieving these goals are all discussed in the article.


The article poses significant issues regarding striking a balance between reducing environmental impact and meeting rising energy demands in the context of environmental science. Even though nuclear power can help lower greenhouse gas emissions, worries about possible hazards related to its operation and waste management must be addressed. It is impossible to overlook the long-term consequences of nuclear accidents, which include environmental harm and radioactive contamination. As a result, any decision to increase nuclear power should be supported by stringent safety protocols, in-depth risk analyses, and open public participation. The essay also emphasizes the necessity of tackling energy needs and climate change from a comprehensive angle. A varied energy mix that incorporates renewable energy sources like hydroelectric, solar, and wind power is imperative. A more sustainable energy future can also be achieved by putting an emphasis on energy efficiency measures, encouraging sustainable practices, and funding research and development for cutting-edge clean energy technologies.

2 thoughts on “Emerging Europe backs nuclear power to solve energy needs.

  1. I think this is an important topic to cover, especially considering how behind the United States is in terms of incorporating nuclear energy into our energy generation. Why do you think the US fell so behind compared to European powers in developing a good amount of nuclear power plants?

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