Global move to cities speeds electric transport adoption

Barnard, M. (2023, November 13). Global move to cities speeds electric transport adoption.

Forbes. Retrieved January 18, 2024, from


The article talks about how they will, over the years as our population has increased we changed through the power of automation and the growth of big cities. “A full 60% of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2030 and most of them will be in larger ones.” The more people living in a big city, the more people electrified public transport would help. For example, China will have, “600,000 electric buses serve hundreds of millions with often 24/7 service cycles.” There are also benefits to bigger cities because they are more walkable and bikeable. All of these are alternative ways to cars, which produce CO2. There are also electric bikes and vehicles. All in all, “electrified transit, electric micro mobility and electrified urban delivery vehicles mean vastly more people and more goods are moving through our increasingly big and dense cities with very little carbon footprint.” 


I think this article is very interesting because it talks about the importance of not only changing transportation, but how changing the population density of people would make it easier to adapt to transportation. I knew that big cities could be helpful for this kind of thing, but I didn’t ever really come to think about the huge scale it could impact with climate change. I think that it is a very important option to consider. I have always wanted to move to a big city, but it makes it more appealing because it is so helpful. I also really like this article because it talks about this idea globally. 

2 thoughts on “Global move to cities speeds electric transport adoption

  1. This is an interesting article for sure. We know we have a migration pattern to cities, and especially in the developing world, it can lead to big air pollution problems just from city traffic. Electrification does make sense, especially for effective public transportation which hopefully keeps individual cars off the road. Denser living also helps lower our footprint in other ways too. Can you imagine on how?

    Good abstract, although I think it could use some proofreading (fyi)- read it again and see what you think. I hope you found your topic to be interesting this year. It’s a big one. For this article in particular, I hope when you see the electric buses and trains in the big city you are living in one day you will remember following this topic. How else is transportation going to change? We will be on the look out.

    • Yes that totally make sense how a denser population produces less carbon. I think transportation could change a lot with new developing technology.

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