Battle Begins to Ban Natural Gas in New Chicago Homes, Businesses to Fight Climate Change – AC

This article discusses the issues regarding climate change in the harsh winter of Chicago. Elected officials in Chicago are examining how to enable Chicago winds to heat their homes in the winter months while making this heated air safe to breathe. The article talked about the state of Illinois’s desire to transition to clean energy by 2050. However, Chicago has extreme financial issues surrounding poverty so relying on electricity would not provide affordable heating for Chicagoans. However, the article discussed how Chicagoans could financially benefit from transitioning to electric powered stoves as opposed to gas appliances. It is evident that the article understands that climate change is making Chicago’s winters more and more dangerous and we cannot put people’s health in jeopardy to simply stay warm.

I thought this article was pretty shocking, actually because it almost feels that Chicago is in a helpless state given climate change. It seems nearly financially impossible to transition to all electric power, but people need to notice how the fixed cost of electric stoves and heating appliances may be more than gas, however the variable cost for electric power is extremely beneficial. Furthermore, I believe that Chicago should rely a little bit more on nuclear power while climate change creates even colder winter temperatures that commonly dip below zero. I think it may not be a horrible idea to impose a tax on gas appliances so we can promote healthy warming strategies in the face of a climate change disaster throughout the midwest.


One thought on “Battle Begins to Ban Natural Gas in New Chicago Homes, Businesses to Fight Climate Change – AC

  1. Very interesting to read. I liked your ideas for a potential tax on gas appliances as a way to get people to use more electric products. I’m curious on your ideas for a greater use of nuclear energy? Are there already functioning plants near Chicago or would a new one need to be built?

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