Beach Bounce Back? California’s Largest Volunteer Event Seeks to Restore Former Glory after Covid Downturn.

Rogers, P. ( 2023, September 22). Beach Bounce Back? California’s Largest Volunteer Event Seeks to Restore Former Glory after Covid Downturn. Retrieved January 22, 2024, from 


In September, The Monterey Herald wrote this article about the struggle to find volunteers after covid. Coastal Cleanup Day has been California’s largest volunteer event since 1985. However, after the pandemic less and less people have been showing up for coastal cleanups. Before covid there were nearly 75k volunteers cleaning up trash, however that number has been cut in half in years following the pandemic. The California Coastal Commission is conducting a paid social media promo in order to try and recruit more volunteers. California has a plethora of beaches and they need the help of citizens to stay clean and healthy. 

This article exemplifies the importance of environmental volunteer work. In California especially we have so many habitats that need protection and restoration. You don’t have to be a lawmaker to help fix things, anyone can go out and volunteer. When I went out to beach cleanups I felt very good about myself and had a fun time. It is a great way to learn more about the environment hands on. I think that California residents really have the capability to make a difference. 

3 thoughts on “Beach Bounce Back? California’s Largest Volunteer Event Seeks to Restore Former Glory after Covid Downturn.

  1. I also helped for coastal cleanup day, so it’s disappointing to see that volunteers have decreased so sharply. I hope the social media promotion works because it’s especially important for people to volunteer for coastal cleanup day since it’s a crucial time to pick up trash before it reaches the ocean. How else would you recommend they promote the cleanup?

  2. It is sad to see such a significant decline in volunteer participation for Coastal Cleanup Day post-pandemic. Your point about the importance of environmental volunteer work is so true. Every individual’s contribution, no matter how small, plays a crucial role in protecting and restoring our habitats. What do you think are the key barriers preventing people from participating, and how can we address them effectively to encourage greater community involvement in environmental conservation efforts?

  3. The article covers the issue of decreasing volunteer participation in coastal cleanups in California following COVID-19. Coastal Cleanup Day, previously a large event involving around 75,000 volunteers, has experienced a substantial decline in participation. To address this issue, the California Coastal Commission is recruiting more volunteers through social media marketing. It emphasizes the necessity of citizen participation in the preservation of coastal ecosystems,. How can communities encourage and support volunteer participation in conservation efforts?

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