Davenport, C. (2015, August 3). 5 Questions About Obama’s Climate Change Plan. Retrieved November 21, 2015, from http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/04/us/politics/5-questions-about-obamas-climate-change-plan.html?_r=0

Following under the Clean Air Act of 1970, Barack Obama has created a Climate Change plan. As carbon dioxide was labeled a dangerous contaminant, Obama is able to regulate carbon dioxide emissions without consent from congress. This plan allows states flexibility in deciding how to reduce emissions, but requires that power plant emissions decrease by 32% by 2030. Opponents of the act are arguing that this plan takes advantage of the Clean Air Act.

This article is related to climate change as its results could decrease the repercussions of climate change and lead to other similar plans that will help further in the decrease of carbon dioxide emissions. While positive, there are many things the United States needs to do to reduce their carbon footprint. It is unfortunate that this plan did not include harsher restrictions, but governmental action alone will not prevent climate change. Action by citizens of the U.S. need to take action as well if our emission levels will be reduced.

Large Majority of Republicans Believe Climate Change is a threat

Davenport, C. (2015, September 28). Many Conservative Republicans Believe Climate Change Is a Real Threat. Retrieved November 22, 2015, from http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/29/us/politics/survey-of-republican-voters-shows-a-majority-believe-in-climate-change.html


A majority of Republicans believe climate change is real and is a threat. More than 54% of polled self-described conservative Republicans agree that climate action should be taken. This majority directly contrasts the Republicans running for president where only two serious candidates have called for climate related action and only one candidate over all would fight climate change if elected. What more than seventy-five percent of Americans call man-made climate change, Donald Trump calls weather.

I think that this is a good sign for the future of this country. Climate change is becoming a real issue. Republicans are at odds with those chosen to represent them, and as discontentment grows, the Republican leaders will need to start changing their views to attract votes. The growing belief in climate change is promising overall because as more people believe, more people will take action. If the next president is able to take serious climate action, the United States could be a world leader in that regard.


How will U.S. States Fare with Climate Change Effects

Brown, T. (2015, November 22). Five US states where climate change could be disastrous – BBC News. Retrieved November 22, 2015, from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34872956

A study called the National Climate Assessment has given each state a report card on the effects climate change will have on them. Many states themselves haven’t factored in climate change in their plans for dealing with natural disasters, and this study shows some of the states that will be worse off due to climate change. Mississippi is used to water related issues, but climate change will bring upon wildfires, extreme heat, and drought as well. This is just one of many states that will have both too much water and too little water.

This data shows how climate change will affect the United States in such contrasting manners. Not only will droughts and wildfires increase and worsen in many states, but flooding will to. The interesting part of this study is that California received an A which shows how poorly prepared many states actually are. An interesting trend in the study is that the states that are least prepared are states that tend to vote conservatively.

American Youth Sue U.S. Government Over Lack of Carbon Dioxide Pollution Prevention

Sheridan, K. (2015, November 20). US kids’ lawsuit over climate change gathers steam. Retrieved November 21, 2015, from http://news.yahoo.com/us-kids-lawsuit-over-climate-change-gathers-steam-022539503.html

Over twenty young Americans have filed a lawsuit against the United States Government on the grounds that it has known about the dangers of carbon dioxide since the 1960s and have made promises to lower levels emitted, but have not acted on those promises. This lawsuit caught the attention of the oil companies, who are offering to help the U.S. government fight the lawsuit. A Cornell professor believes the lawsuit is legally sound and is concerning oil companies.

This article has to do with climate change as the lawsuit is an important step in the fight to reduce carbon emissions. The fact that young Americans are suing the government shows that this generation has what it takes to be concerned and act on those concerns. With oil companies jumping to the defense of the US Government, it certainly seems like the lawsuit has a solid basis. Hopefully this eagerness by the part of oil companies to use the government for their own purposes will create a new conversation about our government and its relationships with big business.

Obama Appeals Alaskan Politicians

Davis, J., & Myers, S. (2015, August 31). Obama Makes Urgent Appeal in Alaska for Climate Change Action. Retrieved November 21, 2015, from http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/01/us/us-makes-urgent-appeal-for-climate-change-action-at-alaska-conference.html


Obama met with prominent Alaskan political figures and made appeals for control of climate change. He warned the United States of the threats climate change poses, from melting glaciers, to eroding coastlines, to rising sea levels. Making a promise to cut total emissions by 2025, Obama and John Kerry took a prominent stand in the fight against climate change. Obama discussed how the effects are being felt in Alaska now, and A notable portion mentioned there are now fires burning in the tundras, which never used to happen.

This is related to climate change as it involves Obama’s fight against it. The steps Obama is making to bring our country’s carbon emissions down are a very good first step, but are really too little too late. This summer and fall are the first time Obama has begun to seriously fight climate change, however with little over a year left in office, and no support from Congress, there is a limit to what he can accomplish. It is important that he promised to reduce our emissions by 25%, and hopefully his actions will be a predecessor of the president-to-come’s actions.

Obama’s Climate Change Plan

Davenport, C. (2015, August 3). 5 Questions About Obama’s Climate Change Plan. Retrieved November 21, 2015, from http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/04/us/politics/5-questions-about-obamas-climate-change-plan.html?_r=0

Following under the guidelines created by the Clean Air Act of 1970, Barack Obama has created a climate change plan. As carbon dioxide was labeled a dangerous contaminant, Obama is able to regulate carbon dioxide emissions without consent from Congress. This plan allows states flexibility in deciding how to reduce emissions, but requires that power plant emissions decrease by 32% by 2030. Opponents of the act are arguing that this plan takes advantage of the Clean Air Act.

This article is related to climate change as its results could decrease the repercussions of climate change and lead to other similar plans that will help further in the decrease of carbon dioxide emissions. While positive, there are many things the United States needs to do to reduce their carbon footprint and it will be necessary for the every day citizen to make the decision to help reduce their comsumption. The government can not do it all, but this is an important start in showing that climate change needs to be taken seriously.


Central Valley Dries Up

Knickmeyer, E. (2015, August 20). Study sees wildlife die-offs, bigger wildfires, dry farm towns if California drought persists. Retrieved August 23, 2015, from http://www.usnews.com/news/science/news/articles/2015/08/20/study-sees-dying-wildlife-bigger-fires-if-drought-lasts

Due to the drought, more than a dozen species that relied on the central California streams have gone extinct and the riverbeds lay dry. Cal Fire is battling some of the toughest fires they have ever dealt with. Climate change is projected to help these conditions proliferate. Fires will increase, poor towns will run out of water, more species will begin to die off. By the 2060s, California is projected to be in a semi-permanent drought state.

These conditions relate to environmental science because of the effect climate change has on species, ecosystems, and the whole of California. It is imperative that immediate action is taken to prevent the state of California from becoming a giant desert. I think that small communities in the central valley are going to go through the Mayan collapse on a miniature scale as they continue to use the nonrenewable groundwater until they are left with nothing left, and the communities will be abandoned and the valley will overtake them.


Climate Change in Politics

Rogers, P. (2015, July 29). Climate change: California poll finds Republicans don’t see global warming as serious threat. Retrieved August 11, 2015, from http://www.mercurynews.com/drought/ci_28558424/climate-change-new-poll-finds-californians-support-more


Governor Jerry Brown’s proposals to combat climate change are now going through the state legislature, and Democrats as well as Independents are overwhelmingly supporting them, however Republicans are far behind. All the respected scientific agencies affirm the existence of climate change, however many Republicans deny its existence as the ways to fix the issue would go against many of the ideals of the party. Water levels at the Golden Gate have risen 8 inches in the past century and forest fires are increasing.

This article shows not only how climate change is a part of environmental science by mentioning the sea level rise and forest fires, which are both drastic to environments, but how environmental science is also a social science. People decide to believe if statements are true if they fit with their current beliefs and ideals, which I must do as well, but it is difficult to understand how people can negate such a large problem.

California vs. Climate Change

Howard, Brian Clark. (2014, August 14). 5 Key Threats to California From Climate Change. Retrieved August 19, 2015, from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/08/140812-california-climate-change-global-warming-science/

Due to climate change, California is going to be facing five main issues. Drought and wildfires, due to the lack of rain and snowpack which usually would provide moisture to the ground and plants; coastal danger caused by more severe storms and an increase in sea level will affect almost five hundred thousand people; bad air days due to fires and pollution; a disease called valley fever which is caused by inhaling spores of a soil dwelling fungus, which is far more airborne due to the dust whipping across the central valley; and loss of native fish, which do not do well in warmer water will all be major obstacles that come with climate change in California.

This article shows that climate change is related to environmental science because the increase of greenhouse gases and temperature accompanied by a decrease in rain and snow mess with the native fish, destroy habitats (due to increased wildfires), and loss in wetland habitats due to rising sea levels. Climate change is having a severe effect in California, and it seems that the disparity of moisture and aridity across the U.S. will only continue to get worse.


Higher Temperatures, Less Productive Crabs

Bhanoo, S. (2014, November 17). Warmer Waters Could Scuttle Activity of Crabs. Retrieved August 16, 2015, from http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/18/science/warmer-waters-could-scuttle-activity-of-crabs.html

The crabs that are found off of the coast of California are going to be able to survive.

the increased temperatures that will come with climate change, studies show. With more CO2

in the atmosphere, the oceans lower in pH due to the increased CO2. With lower pH, the

crabs are able to survive higher temperatures, but that comes with a price, as they become

more sluggish. This will likely lead to a drop off in reproduction, as the crabs will simply not

have as much time when they are more concerned with survival.

This article shows that climate change is related to environmental science because the

increase in CO2 responsible for climate change is affecting crabs that live up and down the

coast of the Americas. The increase in temperature will probably cause the population of the

50 or so species of small crab that live on the California coast to drastically decline within the

next 100 years. It is unfortunate that there is no way to save these essential animals without

stopping climate change.