Central Valley Dries Up

Knickmeyer, E. (2015, August 20). Study sees wildlife die-offs, bigger wildfires, dry farm towns if California drought persists. Retrieved August 23, 2015, from http://www.usnews.com/news/science/news/articles/2015/08/20/study-sees-dying-wildlife-bigger-fires-if-drought-lasts

Due to the drought, more than a dozen species that relied on the central California streams have gone extinct and the riverbeds lay dry. Cal Fire is battling some of the toughest fires they have ever dealt with. Climate change is projected to help these conditions proliferate. Fires will increase, poor towns will run out of water, more species will begin to die off. By the 2060s, California is projected to be in a semi-permanent drought state.

These conditions relate to environmental science because of the effect climate change has on species, ecosystems, and the whole of California. It is imperative that immediate action is taken to prevent the state of California from becoming a giant desert. I think that small communities in the central valley are going to go through the Mayan collapse on a miniature scale as they continue to use the nonrenewable groundwater until they are left with nothing left, and the communities will be abandoned and the valley will overtake them.