Air in China Labeled Hazardous

“China’s Air Pollution Reaches ‘crisis’ Level.” The Globe and Mail. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2014.

The United States embassy in Beijing China labeled the city as being hazardous only a few months ago. The air in China was also called “barely suitable for human life.” Although not having the worst air in the world, thanks to India, the pollution in China is so bad that officials have recommended not traveling to the country as it is hazardous. The Chinese government is doing everything in their power to reduce the air pollution, but due to the monumental numbers of industries, China’s air is not on a speedy recovery course. The smog in China has been called indefensible at this point by newspapers, who are also calling the atmosphere surrounding China an invisible killer. The current government in China has promised change, but are not fulfilling their promises.

The air in China has gotten so bad it is uncontrollable. The author criticizes China’s government for not taking the necessary precautions to eliminating this titanic issue. This article was written to warn those visiting China and also alarm Chinese citizens that the current government isn’t fulfilling the promises they made to the country about eliminating air pollution. By calling Beijing barely suitable for human life the author is making a powerful statement which alarms readers on the severity of this conflict. Air pollution in China is taking years off of many people’s lives and the issue has to be addressed with more urgency.

Delhi-Dirtiest Atmosphere in the World

“India Admits Delhi Matches Beijing for Air Pollution Threatening Public Health.” Guardian News and Media, 09 May 2014. Web. 08 Sept. 2014.

According to recent studies by the World Health Organization, India’s capital of Delhi has the dirtiest atmosphere in the world. The atmosphere in Delhi, which slightly beat out Bejing for the most polluted city in the world has a 10 times dirtier atmosphere than London, which was deemed unhealthy for human life. “The latest urban air-quality database released by the World Health Organisation reconfirms that most Indian cities are becoming death traps because of very high air pollution levels.” In a 2014 study of the worst air pollution in the world, 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world were in India. Delhi holds the world’s highest yearly concentration of airborne particles of 153. These microscopic particles in the air are associated with lung cancer and heart disease as they enter ones bloodstream.


This article gave lots of statistics on the concentration of airborne particles and comparing different international cities. It shows that India has by far the worst air pollution in the world throughout the country, and even has the air pollution leader of Delhi. The article also says that India is becoming a death trap due to the air conditions being so horrendous. This is one of the main reasons why the average life of human beings is much lower in India then in a majority of other countries worldwide. Unlike many other countries, India is not taking as serious an approach to stopping the pollution and it is continuing to grow from already having 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world according to the World Health Organisation.


European Air Pollution Harming Health

“Air Pollution Still Harming Health across Europe.” — European Environment Agency (EEA). N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.

According to current standards, a majority of people living in Europe do not live in a healthy environment due to air pollution. “Around 90 % of city dwellers in the European Union (EU) are exposed to one of the most damaging air pollutants at levels deemed harmful to health by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This result comes from the latest assessment of air quality in Europe, published by the European Environment Agency (EEA).” This pollution is not restricted to only those living in cities however, as many people living in rural areas have significant amount of air pollution and are over the standard for living. Over the past decade, European cities have taken steps to reduce air pollution by cutting emissions of air pollutants.


This article’s purpose was to inform and scare readers living in European cities that their living in below standard air. Although precautions are being taken to help reduce the air pollutions by cutting emissions of air pollutants among other obvious things such as suggesting carpooling and public transportation, the air in European cities is still in bad shape. This article also states that most European citizens are unaware that they have a pollution problem; by alerting them and gaining their attention many citizens will takes strides to help control the air pollution. Everybody needs to be aware, and everyone needs to play a part in getting the air above the standards for what is healthy to live in.


Air Pollution Progress in China

Lui, Anthony. “China’s War On Air Pollution Shows More Promise Than Reports Indicate.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 2014. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.

China has struggled with air pollution for many years, and their air is often considered to be the most polluted in the world. However, recently China has begun to address this major issue and changes in government have promised change. 71 of 74 major cities still fail to meet air standard regulations despite all of the precautions being taken, showing the severity of this issue. The three main contributors of air pollution are cars, coal, and industry, all of which China has placed regulations to limit the pollution being released into the atmosphere. For cars, China’s cities have placed restrictions that if somebody wants to buy a car, they have to apply only then being placed in an auction. In addition, many Chinese industries have been kicked out of their respective cities. In Bejing, 53 companies have been asked to relocated due to their outrageous emission of pollution into the already polluted atmosphere.


In this interview imbedded in an article, the author was stating what China’s officials strides to eliminate their pollution problem included. There are three main causes for why the air pollution is so bad which are coal, cars, and industries. China has taken steps to reduce each of these three areas significantly by limiting cars, removing sulfur dioxide from coal plant emissions, and eliminating industries. The author states positive examples of how far China has come in the past decade, but is still attempting to alarm readers as the problem of air pollution is far from gone in China and all citizens should take strides to help.

The Road Less Traveled

“Cut Air Pollution in Half by Taking Road Less Travelled.” The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group,            07 Sept. 2014. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.

Commuters in big cities could cut their pollution intake down by fifty percent simply by avoiding main streets on their commutes. Inhaling air pollution in big cities can be as harmful to one’s lungs as smoking half a cigarette per day. This doesn’t appear to be a significant number, however cummitively this would have a large effect on the lungs of these commuters, especially if they are children. Public Health England states that 5.3 percent of all deaths in people of 25 years of age occur because of pollution, however this number skyrockets to 8.3 percent in inner London. The author believes these rates can be cut down by simply taking alternative, non-mainstream routes while commuting.


This article suggested that air pollution intake could be severely cut down by everyday commuters in England simply by avoiding the main streets. There is an easy alternative in taking side streets which in most cases can even be quicker than the congested streets of a downtown. I was shocked to hear that commuting to work is often times as harmful to the lungs as smoking a cigarette. Taking side streets is an easy alternative that can cut down around 50 percent of ones air pollution intake.