
Hower, M (2014, November 18th) Boeing ecoDemonstrator 787 Tests 25 Eco-friendly Innovations


The Boeing ecoDemonstrator 787 has recently been testing out 25 new technologies to improve aviation’s environmental impacts.  Some of these improvements include new outer wings made out of recycled materials, adding different mechanical systems to lessen the weight and Instrument landing systems for new and older aircraft to optimize landings and reduce fuel use. Also, this airline plans on testing different biofuels this upcoming summer.


This is super relevant to environmental science because airplanes are literally constantly flying so finding way to make them more environmentally friendly would make a pretty big impact. I thought the idea of using recycled materials was a pretty cool idea because it takes a ton of resources to build a plane. I also thought using biofuel in planes is a great idea.

3 thoughts on “Transportation

  1. I think this is a really interesting way and idea, that could possibly help reduce the amount air pollution. Although it is not well tested, I think it proves to be worth research and further testing. The only question i have is what are the negative effects, if any, in replacing oil with biofuel?

  2. What recycled materials are the wings made out of? Do you think people will feel safe flying in a plane made from old trash? Good article!

  3. Taylor, this is a very interesting article about aviation! If we were able to go through with making plane wings out of recycled materials then that would be a step in the right direction for a more efficient world

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