Reduce, reuse, replenish: Zero-waste refill stations and the end of recycling.

Reduce, reuse, replenish: Zero-waste refill stations and the end of recycling. (2020, March 6). Retrieved March 8, 2020, from

The following article discusses the concept of an actual store in Los Angeles being implemented throughout the United States. The idea of this store is to be completely waste-free by having customers bring in their own containers to fill up with necessities such as shampoo or mouthwash instead of buying a completely new container each time.  Prices would be less for the consumer as there would be no need for packaging and it would also reduce a significant amount of waste. 


Although the concept seems like a very good idea, I don’t think it would actually work in the long run, because consumers are so driven by the convenience of getting a product instantly already packaged. This would just be an extra step someone would have to take for someone to get what they need. The only way I see this truly working is with a significant cost reduction for the consumer. Manufacturers could also just create programs of their own where they would ship you replacements of a product in a reusable container and you would ship the empty ones back, although this would then bring up the issue of pollution from transportation. 

4 thoughts on “Reduce, reuse, replenish: Zero-waste refill stations and the end of recycling.

  1. I think this store is a great idea. While I agree with you it would be hard to implement and may not have a strong customer base in the beginning, I actually think it could work. There are a few stores like this around the world that are pretty successful. How much of a cost reduction on items do you think would encourage enough people to shop at these stores?

    • I think there needs to be only a small cost reduction in order for this to work. For example, stores like Costco sell gas for a couple cents cheaper and have thousands of customers at their store.

  2. I actually slightly disagree with you, I think this could work only if every store do this.
    I’ve seen this work in a different country.
    An example is buying drinks, its in a glass container and is much cheaper, whenever you come back to buy more you return the glass container and get another glass container with no additional cost.
    This would be a great way to reduce single plastic use.
    Unfortunately this concept is not easily implemented on every items.

    • That is very true. I think a country like the United States would have a huge difficulty implementing a solution like you’re talking about because we do not currently have the infrastructure to support this.

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