Climate Change in Africa

         Richard Washington (2019, December 15). Global Climate Change: How Africa will be affected by climate change. Retrieved February 15, 2020, from

          Africa will be hit the hardest by climate change because millions of people there depend on rainfall for food, weather systems in Africa are understudied so changes in climate will likely come with surprises, and finally the ability to adapt to climate change is lower than in many other places of the world because poverty is higher. Rainy seasons are starting to start later and end earlier, which is already making growing crops much harder and it is only predicted to worsen as time goes on. Oddly enough, a wetter season is also predicted to occur. Scientists call this the East African Climate Paradox. Overall, Africa is predicted to be hit very hard by climate change, but there are people working on solutions.

          This article opened my eyes to realize that the United States is not the only place being affected by climate change, it is a worldwide issue. I thought the article was slightly confusing, regarding the explanation of the East African Climate Paradox. Despite this, I thought it was a very good article that highlighted the fact that we need to be addressing climate change in all parts of the world and make sure everyone is equipped to deal with the changes that are coming. I wonder why climate change in Africa has not been talked about very much, since this article said that Africa is one of the most vulnerable places to climate change. After reading this article I feel as though climate change in Africa, and other parts of the world in general, need to be discussed more.

One thought on “Climate Change in Africa

  1. That sounds like an interesting article! I too am a bit confused by the East African Climate Paradox. Do you know why scientists are predicting that the rainy season may increase due to climate change? That seems counterintuitive.

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