IUU Fishing Rules and Regulations



IUU fishing Stands for Illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. Illegal fishing is essentially when a fishing vessel is fishing against the laws of its own nation or state. For example when a US vessel breaks laws in US waters it is illegal fishing. Unreported fishing is reported, or have been misreported, to the relevant national authority, in contravention of national laws and regulations. And lastly Unregulated fishing is done by vessels that do not fly their nation’s flag or do not associate with a nation. When unregulated these vessels have no rules to follow and are therefore part of the IUU.

The article gives important context to the globally accepted standard for the most basic rules that need to be followed by all nations. The IUU gives context to what sort of environmental science jobs might be available and the large scale of those jobs.

2 thoughts on “IUU Fishing Rules and Regulations

  1. IUU fishing definitely represents a problem in the fishing industry regarding environmental science. In terms of unregulated fishing, does this pose a problem because people are unable to track environmental impacts, and what do you think we could do do decrease IUU fishing?

    • Yes, that is a great point, it is very difficult to track the numbers of a given species when IUU fishing and poaching is occuring. If we knew a rough number of how many fish were being caught in a given species we don’t need to make wild guesses about species each season. Decreasing IUU fishing will consist of education of countries and their citizens along with punishments when it comes to trade.

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