Effects on Nature by Covid-19 and Lockdowns

Owens, B. O. (2021, June 27). The Positive and Negative Impacts of Covid on Nature. Smithsonian Magazine. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/positive-and-negative-impacts-covid-nature-180977840/


The article shows how the environment changed during the pandemic due to little to no ecotourism. With no people attending popular places in nature, the environment was able to grow towards what it once was before humans damaged it. The damage that humans cause is extreme, and the planet improved immensely during the pandemic due to the expulsion of ecotourism. The environment will likely move back to what it was before the pandemic if we are not careful and respectful of it.


This article was extremely helpful in showing the effects of ecotourism, and how it changes the environment in negative ways. With the absence of people in many places, plants and animals flourished and were able to grow and become more stable than before. I thought this article was great and very helpful because it showed how much the environment recovered without the presence of humans.

4 thoughts on “Effects on Nature by Covid-19 and Lockdowns

  1. I like what you’re saying about ecotourism harming our planet and that we need to be careful about the way we travel. What are the best ways that you think we should change our travel styles to help the environment?

  2. I agree with you that the environment improved during quarantine because people were not out/gathering as much. I think it is interesting to think about the impact we have when we are living “normal” lives and think we should explore why this is, as you said, being careful and respectful. What are some things we could change in order to improve the environment?

  3. I think it is interesting that the expulsion of ecotourism has actually helped restore our nature back to what it used to be. Additionally, it is fascinating that our environment began to heal itself without the presence of humans. Do you think this says anything about our modern society?

  4. I agree with your analysis. I thought it was really interesting how certain areas reverted back to their original properties during the pandemic. It goes to show how much humans harm the environment on a day-to-day basis. What can we do to prevent this from happening to other places?

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