Effects on Nature by Covid-19 and Lockdowns

Owens, B. O. (2021, June 27). The Positive and Negative Impacts of Covid on Nature. Smithsonian Magazine. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/positive-and-negative-impacts-covid-nature-180977840/


The article shows how the environment changed during the pandemic due to little to no ecotourism. With no people attending popular places in nature, the environment was able to grow towards what it once was before humans damaged it. The damage that humans cause is extreme, and the planet improved immensely during the pandemic due to the expulsion of ecotourism. The environment will likely move back to what it was before the pandemic if we are not careful and respectful of it.


This article was extremely helpful in showing the effects of ecotourism, and how it changes the environment in negative ways. With the absence of people in many places, plants and animals flourished and were able to grow and become more stable than before. I thought this article was great and very helpful because it showed how much the environment recovered without the presence of humans.

Sustainable Travel and How to Be More Green

Qatar Airways, Q. A. (2021, August 4). What to look for when making sustainable travel plans. Seattle Times. https://www.seattletimes.com/sponsored/what-to-look-for-when-making-sustainable-travel-plans/


This article focuses on the ways you can be more environmentally friendly when traveling, and how each part of your trip can be improved to benefit both the environment as well as your trip. Ways such as choosing flights and transport were mentioned in the article to help our environment while we go on vacation. This article was sponsored by Qatar Airways, this shows us that the article is trustworthy due to their immense knowledge of flights and transportation. 


This article relates to ecotourism because it shows how even traveling to far places can be environmentally friendly, and how it is possible to make smarter decisions in each part of your vacation. I think this article helped me understand how many ways there are to benefit your vacations and keep the environment healthy even when visiting new places.

The Emergence of Sustainable Travel

Glusac, E. G. (2021, February 25). Move Over, Sustainable Travel. Regenerative Travel Has Arrived. New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/27/travel/travel-future-coronavirus-sustainable.html


This article is similar to the previous one, but focuses more on the tourism part of ecotourism, and what tourists need to do to protect our planet. Since the pandemic, there has been a rapid decline in tourism, with many travel bans in place. Many are expecting an extreme rise in tourism and travel in the coming months due to people feeling safer to travel. This could be great and cause many people to have jobs that are involved in tourism. However, if tourists are not caring for the environment, it could cause ecosystems to fall and collapse due to tourists.


This article focused primarily on the return of tourism following the pandemic, and how it will affect people and the environment. As long as we are able to protect our environment and treat it with care while we are on vacation, tourism will be great to have returned. I thought this article was helpful because it focused more on the tourism side of things while also adding how it will affect the environment and what we must do to be respectful to our planet.

The Return of Ecotourism

Augustin, J. A. (2021, March 11). ECOTOURISM’S POST-COVID COMEBACK. Suston Magazine. https://sustonmagazine.com/2021/03/11/ecotourism-post-covid-comeback/


Due to the pandemic, many places have struggled to make money due to the loss of traveling and tourism. Ecotourism brought profit to many people before the pandemic, and now that restrictions have been reduced, ecotourism is expected to return, and maybe in larger quantities than before. Some believe that the pandemic allowed people to learn to respect nature more, and this could lead to ecotourism being more sustainable and beneficial to the environment. If all goes well, ecotourism will return to what it once was, and the pandemic would have benefitted to teach the tourists how to treat our environment.


Upon reading the article, I thought it was nice to see the bright side to ecotourism, as there are several positives as long as people are respectful to our environment. With many travel restrictions being dropped, I think many people are eager to go into nature again and explore new places. This will be good for many people as it will bring profit and business to their jobs that were harmed from the pandemic. My only wish is that people will learn to respect nature when traveling, and will allow ecotourism to grow but remain safe and sustainable.

Cruises Invading Antarctica

Heath, E. H. (2021, April 15). Antarctica cruises are booming. But can the continent handle it? Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/travel/antarctica-cruises-ecotourism-sustainability-conservation/2021/04/15/005e3fc6-9b9f-11eb-8005-bffc3a39f6d3_story.html


In Antarctica, many cruise ships pass through for tourists to view and experience the barren continent. However, the area can not sustain the pollution and effects that the ships have on the environment. Climate change has already had a harsh impact on the continent, but with the addition of extremely large ships filled with tourists, the animals and glaciers around them are not able to sustain themselves. If ships continue to cross the area at the same rate, the effects on the environment will be everlasting and devastating.


This article shows how ecotourism can affect the environment in negative ways and cause serious problems for ecosystems. The effects of cruise ships entering the South Pole cause many animals to be in danger and have potential effects on the glaciers and ice. When reading this article, it was the first article I read on ecotourism, so it opened my eyes to see how harsh the effects we can have on certain places and animals. If we continue our current treatment of the environment, we will cause many species to go extinct, and it will result in everlasting changes to our climate that could threaten our current way of life.