Proposed Rule to Revise Existing National GHG Emissions Standards for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks Through Model Year 2026

EPA (2021, August) Retrieved August 8 2021from

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to strengthen federal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards for passenger cars and light trucks by setting stringent requirements for reductions through  2026. The proposed standards would achieve significant GHG emissions reductions as well as reducing the prevalence of other pollutants. The proposal would result in substantial public health and welfare benefits while saving consumers with lower fuel costs. The proposal would incentivize technology available today to make vehicles cleaner and to encourage more hybrid and electric vehicle technology. EPA is also working on new GHG emissions standards for heavy-duty engines and vehicles starting as soon as 2030. These new multi-pollutant standards will improve public health and set the U.S. on a course to achieve ambitious levels of GHG emissions reductions from commercial highway transportation over the long term. 

Transportation is the largest source of GHG emissions in the United States, making up 29 percent of all emissions. This article aims to offer a framework to reduce these emissions using knowledge of different pollutants’ effects on the environment and ways to mitigate them. I believe the regulations described in the article are significant because reducing GHG emissions is a critical step in reducing the probability of impacts from climate change, including heatwaves, drought, sea-level rise, extreme climate and weather events, coastal flooding, and wildfires.

2 thoughts on “Proposed Rule to Revise Existing National GHG Emissions Standards for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks Through Model Year 2026

  1. I think this is a great idea but I wonder about the cost of it all. Right now we have electric cars that are hundreds of thousands of dollars. Would these cars be in the same price range? If so how would everyone acquire it? Would it be fair to those that don’t have it or would they be penalized? And finally, would it affect a classist society, putting others above some because of how environmentally clean they are?

  2. I think the reason prices of electric vehicles are so high is because they are still relatively new. As market saturation grows the price will see a decline. Furthermore, there are an increasing number of cost-friendly electric and hybrid vehicles entering the market.

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