Andrew Holman

Tallungs, K. (2022, November 16). Animated Chart: America’s Demographics Over 100+ Years. Visual Capitalist.

This article shows an interesting animated chart representing the country’s demographics from 1901 to 2020. This chart uses data from the United States census, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the Human Mortality Database. The article mentions that the United States population has grown from 77 million in 1901 to around 330 million in 2020. This is a 330% growth over just 119 years. The amount of men and women is almost a near split. Birth rates in the country have been gradually slowing. This will result in a larger percentage of elderly people and a reduction in the workforce, as the population of young people decreases.

I found it very interesting to be able to see our country’s population growth represented in a chart and it was cool to see all the demographics like the different races and when they grew since the start of the twentieth century. The fact that our country has grown in population by around 330% in just over a century is scary. I wonder if this pattern will continue over the next century. I believe our population will still continue to grow, but at a much smaller scale. I think future regulations on immigration will play a huge role in the growth rate of our country in the future, since immigration has been the biggest factor of population growth over the last few years and maybe even since the birth of our nation.

One thought on “Andrew Holman

  1. I agree, I believe that our population is growing due to immigrants and those seeking asylum. I think it will even out because with every generation less and less people want to get married or have children.

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