The biodiversity crisis threatens southern ecosystems — and calls on us for solutions

Southern Environmental Law Center ( 2023, February 28).The biodiversity crisis threatens southern ecosystems — and calls on us for solutions. Retrieved September 12, 2023, from


The protection of bio-diverse ecosystems is a huge factor in our success in protecting our planet, as it’s constantly addressed as a huge problem. With that in mind, we now begin to look for solutions to our problems, and more specifically in the south. Within the south, they have taken measures to ensure the safety of their endangered species, among the species there 99% of them have been saved due to a law signed in 1973. To ensure this help to continue, they have made note of climate change as well as southern wildlife. To continue to protect wildlife, they have taken vast measures, those including: protected habitats, advocate for imperiled species, support of climate wildlife decisions, and are in support of change that will help. 

This is once again related to environmental science since within the planet, more specifically in the south end of the U.S.A. we are facing a problem with dealing with endangered species in bio-diverse ecosystems. Environmental science can be found to be the study of our environments, this is a key example as we study why we face such issues with endangered species and how to deny the ability of them going extinct. My initial reaction to this information was the question of how we could further help the wildlife in these environments and if there is more that we could do to help if the procedures in place do not work to its full potential.

6 thoughts on “The biodiversity crisis threatens southern ecosystems — and calls on us for solutions

  1. It’s great that efforts are being made in the southern United States to protect endangered species and their biodiverse ecosystem. Are there any specific success stories or innovative approaches mentioned in the article that have effectively saved endangered species and their habitats in the southern United States?

    • Thank you for your response. I would have to look into it more, however, I would say it’s safe to assume that endangered species are endangered for a reason, however, that does not mean they can not no longer be endangered.

  2. I agree that it is critical to maintain biodiverse habitats, particularly in the southern United States, where major efforts have been undertaken to save endangered species. It is critical to address these environmental challenges by taking steps such as habitat preservation and support for endangered species. However, i wonder what specific problems they see in the future for continuing these conservation efforts in the face of continued environmental changes, and if any creative techniques to improving animal protection in the region are being considered.

  3. I agree that maintaining biodiversity is critical, so to see that efforts are being made to protect these biodiverse ecosystems and endangered species is very exciting to hear. I wonder how intense these efforts will get when it comes to helping endangered species especially.

    • Thank you for your response. I firmly believe that they will take it seriously as a lot of species determines the health of us as humans.

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