Smart Shower Head

(, D. W. (n.d.). The coolest green tech for 2016 | All media content | DW.COM | 07.01.2016. Retrieved September 10, 2016, from


The Smart Shower Head that was created by “Hydrao” has created a new way to conserve water through showering. The shower heads purpose is to after using 50 liters of water, the shower head will start to glow. It then will record other water usage after 50 liters. This function is all done without any batteries or extra supply source. This is because all the energy come from the flow of water through the shower head.


The smart showers function will let people know how much water they are really wasting. With more people aware the severe drought we are currently in will greatly improve. With more people aware of how much water needs to be saved than other improvements that relate to conserving water can be done like the water usage on farms and on lawns.



New SCiO sensor app lets anyone explore their world on a molecular level. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2016, from


The SCiO is a new device that basically helps a person scan the spectrum of any food they desire. This tiny device is the first ever tiny spectrometer. The spectrometer is able to scan the spectrum of any food and will have the information sent to a cloud. The spectrum is then decoded by special algorithms that is able to appear on a smartphone. If the device is used a lot then the data will improve and become more complex for people to search up about their food.


Today in the modern world, “consumer physics” is greatly improving what people know and understand about the environment. This is what the SCiO is solely based on. SCiO will help improve the way people view the environment. It will give people a better understanding on what types of foods they should be eating and which are better for the environment. For example they would be able to see that almonds can take up to much water to grow.


energy saving dryer

Amazing solar cell printer makes energy-generating photographs. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2016, from


This dryer is able to dry clothes in 20 minutes with 70% less energy and no heat. The prototype of this dryer has piezoelectric transducers which are started by a an amplifier.  The amplifier creates ultrasonic waves to extract water and moisture from clothes at incredibly fast speed. The ending product of the fast drying process turns into a warm mist compared to warm mist which will eliminate mold and mildew in the dryer.


A dryer that is able to dry clothes in such a short span of time while creating less energy and no heat can solve serious electricity problems. Statistics show that about 4% of houses in the U.S. are taken up by the electricity of dryers. This problem will be greatly decreased when dryers are using up less energy.


Solar cell printer

Amazing solar cell printer makes energy-generating photographs. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2016, from


In Finland, researchers were able to create a solar cell printer that can print any desired picture. The actual image of the solar cell is made out of photovoltaic ink, which harnesses the sun’s heat and and convert a section of it into energy. Dye-sensitized solar cells are also used to fully create the image. At the same time while all of this is occurring, the image is generating energy from the sun. Scientists specially created photovoltaic ink along with semi-transparent solar cell to print the actual image on.


Solar cell technology is a very innovative way to help and create more environmental friendly technology. This piece of technology is able to help devices that are not able to create power for very long. This tool will not only power and generate the device but will be part of the visual design. Solar cells also help create energy from the sun instead of using up electricity.


Biomass plastic bag

5 Future Features of Eco-Friendly Technology. (2016). Retrieved August 29, 2016, from


For the most part almost all computer parts are made out of one common material which is plastic. This is because it is easily produced and inexpensive for people to manufacture. Although its downside is that it is not decomposable. For example, is a piece of plastic is thrown on the ground, it will never decompose. The same goes for computer parts. This is why scientists are working to create a biomass plastic. This special type of plastic will allow plastic to be decomposable. The bag is made out of degradable organic elements like starch from corn, sugarcane and oils from plants. The bag will be used hopefully in the near future and will become very eco-friendly.


This bag is very innovative and will greatly improve and help the earth. Materials that are not decomposable are very dangerous for the earth and can cause pollution if not properly dealt with. Biomass is a biological mass produced from living or recently living organisms. This means that the bag is acting like the proper materials to decompose plastic.