Federal agencies seek repair delays at Oroville Dam

Fitchette, T. (2017, March 03). Federal agencies seek repair delays at Oroville Dam. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from http://www.westernfarmpress.com/regulatory/federal-agencies-seek-repair-delays-oroville-dam


This article is about the delays on the repairs on the Oroville Dam. This is due to the risk of harming fish further downstream in the Feather River. The author finds that the delays to be ironic and could be harmful to human life. They point to multiple times where the City of Modesto put harmful materials, sewage, chemicals in the Feather River and put no concern for the fish in the decision. It is also stated that the Dam needs immediate attention or human lives could be lost in a catastrophic failure.


I agree that the Oroville Dam needs to be fixed as soon as possible but it is still very important to take the wildlife in consideration. Due to the recent floods there could be an influx of fish in the Feather River and need to be taken care of. As for the Author’s claims that the City of Modesto has not put these fish into consideration before and that they all of a sudden do I have a few ideas. There is the possibility that they have and it is found that the fish would be fine if a certain level of toxin is added, less concentrated in the river. It is also a possibility that the larger population of fish could have changed the risk of hurting the ecosystem.

How California Regulations Are Polluting The World

Beccaro, T. D. (2017, March 08). How California Regulations Are Polluting The World. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasdelbeccaro/2017/03/08/how-california-regulations-are-polluting-the-world/#8d636b22fd9f


In this article makes the claim that the intense regulation that California is so famous for could be hurting the environment more than it helps. This idea known as leakage. As more manufacturing jobs leave the highly regulated California to states and countries with less regulation the pollution continues to rise. The more California puts forth policies like the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 the more those jobs go to others. The more jobs that are pushed out of California the more pollution that could be produced.
I am very surprised by this article. They bring up some every interesting points about the possibility that pollution is being caused by the harsh regulations of California. It is worth a look to see if the moving of companies from California a major problem when it comes to climate change. I have a feeling that that is a much lower portion of the global production of greenhouse gasses than the article makes it sound. I also feel that if California continues to make regulations the rest of the country will continue to follow.

In the Face of a Trump Environmental Rollback, California Stands in Defiance

Leslie, J. (2017, February 21). In the Face of a Trump Environmental Rollback, California Stands in Defiance. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from http://e360.yale.edu/features/in-the-face-of-trump-environmental-rollback-california-stands-in-defiance


In this article it begins with a list of all the environmental regulations that California has put forth throughout the years. Prising all of the improvements we have made, air pollution, building energy conservation, water quality etc. Many of these things are not in line with our new president’s beliefs and has already out the two at odds. While Trump aims to lessen the control of California, while they are taking a new approach. While in the past they relied on the federal government to make regulations they could base thiers off of. Now California will have to fight the federal government to keep the regulations over the country and focus on making their own.
I am so happy that I live in California and that we are such a powerhouse when it comes to technology and environmental reform. While I was willing to give Donald Trump a chance, he has made me too angry and has used up all his chances. When he put Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA I was done and now that he is claiming that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas it just blows my mind. I look forward to the battle between California and the Government, if the Trump administration limits the states then it would be against the republican ideals, states rights.

California’s air regulator welcomes two lawmakers to its board

Megerian, C. (2017, February 22). California’s air regulator welcomes two lawmakers to its board. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-ca-essential-politics-updates-california-s-top-air-regulator-welcomes-1487794545-htmlstory.html


California lawmakers finally have a seat on the California Air Resources Board and hope to change some of the policies that have been neglected. For a while now the lawmakers and agency have had very little collaboration, now that state Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) and Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) have been placed on the board that lack of collaboration can be fixed. While these two will not have a vote they still might have some sort of say in the policies that will be considered.
I am glad that this change has come, as it means that improvements in air quality can be more effective. State sen. Lara said that “The residents of my district who live in the industrial heart of Southeast Los Angeles County and alongside the nation’s busiest port and trade corridors breathe some of the most polluted air in the nation, and too many suffer from poor health and lowered life expectancy.” This is something that we have been talking about in class, the idea of environmental justice. That the poorest members of society deal with the worst of pollution. If this addition to the California Air Resources Board can change this I am very much in favor.

President Trump promised California farmers he would ‘start opening up the water.’

Worth, K., & Mizner, M. (2017, February 21). President Trump promised California farmers he would ‘start opening up the water.’ Can he? Retrieved March 12, 2017, from http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/president-trump-promised-california-farmers-start-opening-water-can/


This article is about President Trump’s want to change the amount of water being sent to farmers in the central valley. He claims that he will be opening up water to the farmers instead of letting three inch fishes take it. He is talking about the delta smelt an endangered species of fish that has been protected by the California government for a long time. The main problem with Trump’s claim is that the federal government doesn’t have a lot of power when it comes to controlling water flow in California. The only thing he can do is either negotiate with California or change federal laws such as the endangered species act.


I do not support Trump or his want to remove protections of endangered species like the delta smelt. While I believe the farms in the central valley are essential to California’s economy there are other ways to solve their problems, other than getting more water. The agriculture businesses in California already use 80 percent of the state’s water. I believe that if they were to use more efficient and less wasteful techniques to water plants that would be beneficial to them and the environment. For instance if they used drip irrigation than they would use less water, which means they would have to pay less and help the environment.

Australia’s environmental laws too weak shown by coal mine judgemnet

Marjanac, S. (2016, July 08). Coal mine judgment shows Australia’s environment laws are flawed | Climate Home – climate change news. Retrieved November 19, 2016, from http://www.climatechangenews.com/2016/09/07/coal-mine-judgment-shows-australias-environment-laws-are-flawed/

In a recent hearing the Australian federal court ruled in favor of mining coal from the Queensland’s Galilee Basin. This ruling shows how weak the environmental regulations in Australia. The proposed mine is estimated to put out 4.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide. This is the same as the entire emissions of France in 2014. The commonwealth environment minister claims that there is no way to have estimated the levels of emission that this mine will output.

The commonwealth environment minister seems rather forum or just stupid for claiming that a coal mine would have low impacts on the environment. In my opinion this give more opportunity to companies to exploit Australia and avoid any environmental regulation. If Australia does not change this than the Great Barrier Reef will continue to bleach and the multi-million dollar tourist industry will continue to decline.

Sea ice record lows in Arctic and Antarctic

Miller, B. (2016, November 19). Arctic, Antarctic sea ice at record lows. Retrieved November 19, 2016, from http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/18/world/sea-ice-arctic-antarctic-lows/index.html/

The Arctic sea ice has been on a decline for a long time now but the Antarctic has had steady growth until now. October has seen record low sea ice levels and it is not looking to get better. More sunlight was able to heat the sea during the summer when the ice had retreated keeping ice from forming in October and November, which is when the most ice is formed. The Arctic and Antarctic have polar vortexes that keep most of the cold air at the poles. However with the lack of sea ice researchers are looking at one theory which shows the polar vortexes sending out more cold air and winter storms.

This is not good, and is just proof that we have not done enough. The laws and legislation are either too weak or not being enforced. The government needs to review older regulations and improve them as it seems that there are too many loopholes in them. If the poles are to last than the world is in deep trouble. Even rising tides are influenced by the decrease in sea ice, coastal cities are not going to be there if this continues. In my mind this should spark a greater conversation than I have seen as it seems to have been glossed over.

World Cup stadium breaks air quality limit

A.(2016, November 17). World Cup stadium accused of breaching air quality rules. Retrieved November 18, 2016, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/dcunited/world-cup-stadium-accused-of-breaching-air-quality-rules/2016/11/17/3f78a722-ace4-11e6-8f19-21a1c65d2043_story.html/

The next World Cup will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia and they have begun construction of the 69,000 seat arena to be used in 2018. However this has been putting out formaldehyde and ammonia above the city’s permitted levels. The company responsible for the arena’s construction did not dispute but instead blamed the previous company.

I don’t get sports honestly it is a huge waste of money, time, and resources. On top of this the company in charge does not take responsibility for something that is clearly their doing. This is something that always has made me extremely irritated is the lack of integrity that people have these days. If it hurts the bottom line than we can’t do even if it hurts others.

Cargo ship pollution creates health risks

Jacewicz, N. (2016, July 19). The Smoggy Seas: Cargo Ships Bring Pollution, Health Risks. Retrieved November 19, 2016, from http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2016/07/19/486151324/the-smoggy-seas-cargo-ships-bring-pollution-health-risks/

The ports of China are extremely busy, thousands of containers moving throughout daily. This has lead to an increase in pollution in the surrounding areas.  From satellite data scientists have found the levels of pollution beinging imitated and where the levels are the highest. They found that those ships now account for 16 percent of carbon emissions compared to the 4 to 7 percent of 2002-2005. In addition the most carbon dioxide and sulfur being emitted 20 nautical miles from shore.

This surprises me, as I thought much like Dr. Brian Christman that shipping was a much cleaner transportation than trucks and planes. I think it has to do with the lack of giant smoke stacks like the older ships. China has become a huge exporter and importer and this has had a huge impact on China’s environment and not for the better. There is quite clearly a lack of legislation in China to combat this problem. The air in China is getting worse and worse this is not helped by the sulfur and Carbon dioxide being spewed into the air.

Post-Brexit link between UK and EU through environmental policy

Neslen, A. (2016, July 05). UN calls for post-Brexit UK to link with EU on environment policy. Retrieved November 18, 2016, from https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jul/06/un-calls-for-post-brexit-uk-to-link-with-eu-on-environment-policy/

In the aftermath of the Brexit vote the UK is calling for a reevaluation of the country’s environmental legislation. This has lead some to a similar system to that of Norway or Switzerland. Both countries are not a part of the EU, but continue to subscribe to their environmental legislation. The EU has the most inclusive set of environmental regulations and the UK still wishes to benefit from them in particular pollution based.

I was never a big fan of the whole Brexit mess. I have a friend in the UK and all I have heard was that it was a political mess. The fact that they are now looking to the EU for environmental regulation is, quite frankly, pathetic. The fact that a nation got riled up and voted irresponsible is lame and they should have thought before doing something that has them in shambles. It is good that they are continuing to keep the high level of environmental responsibility that the EU put them at, but asking for the EU’s legislation, just shows where their government is at right now.